We've been led to believe that our body is the obstacle, the thing to overcome.
But what if it was actually our ally - full of deep, deep wisdom capable of pointing us in new directions, even showing us the obstacles in our way?
What if?? Let’s sit with this for a moment… if the body and mind work together to guide us but the wisdom of the body has been (at least in the modern world) resoundly ignored, then we’ve been given only half of the tools available to us to make change in our lives.
The Vital Integrated Tantric Approach (VITA) I base my coaching work on can do what traditional methodologies can’t simply because it involves the whole of you – body, mind, and spirit. It is a unique intersection of life coaching and holistic embodiment practices (like breathwork and movement) infused with Tantric philosophy and even the principles of neurobiology. It’s East meets West. Body meets mind. A completely different way to approach change. Intrigued? Let’s dive in.
Work with me
These powerful 1:1 coaching packages are immersive (3 month minimum) for good reason. Every 75-minute session builds on the last one, allowing your nervous system and your Soma to unwind and begin to communicate with you.
This isn’t something to be rushed, not if you want lasting results. For some clients this journey will be 3 months, for others 6 months and even a year or more. I invite you to try the Introductory 3-session package for first-time clients so that you can dip your toe in, perhaps even wade in a bit, before immersing yourself in a deep dive capable of changing the course of your life.
Work with me
These powerful 1:1 coaching packages are immersive (3 month minimum) for good reason. Every 75-minute session builds on the last one, allowing your nervous system and your Soma to unwind and begin to communicate with you.
This isn’t something to be rushed, not if you want lasting results. For some clients this journey will be 3 months, for others 6 months and even a year or more. I invite you to try the Introductory 3-session package for first-time clients so that you can dip your toe in, perhaps even wade in a bit, before immersing yourself in a deep dive capable of changing the course of your life.
Eros 1:1 is a 6-month journey into your body, back to your body. Discover your sexual energy’s unique signature and work with it directly as a powerful tool for greater wisdom, growth, and inspiration. Learn how to cultivate this energy, creating a wellspring of energy from which you can dip.
We’ll use a powerful combination of holistic, Tantra-based tools like breathwork, pleasure practices, meditation, energy work, sounding, and movement to reclaim vital energy that can be directed towards creating more – in every realm of your life.
Eros 1:1, a 6-Month Journey
Eros 1:1 is a 6-month journey into your body, back to your body. Discover your sexual energy’s unique signature and work with it directly as a powerful tool for greater wisdom, growth, and inspiration. Learn how to cultivate this energy, creating a wellspring that directly feeds you.
We’ll use a powerful combination of holistic, Tantra-based tools like breathwork, pleasure practices, meditation, energy work, sounding, and movement to reclaim vital energy that can be directed towards creating more – in every realm of your life.
Eros 1:1, a 3-Month Journey
For those who have worked with their energy body and specifically sexual energy before, have a clear vision of what they’d like to achieve, or have been on a personal healing journey for some time, this shorter 3-month container is perfect.
Try It On, 3-Sessions
If you’re not sure whether this work is for you or if this is the right path for you at the moment, here’s your chance to try it out in a smaller commitment. This 3-session introductory package for new clients is a great way to dip your toe into this work, and see if we are a good fit.
Try It On, 3-Sessions
If you’re not sure whether this work is for you or if this is the right path for you at the moment, here’s your chance to try it out without commitment. This 3-session introductory package for new clients is a great way to dip your toe into this work, and see if we are a good fit.
Harnessing Sexual Energy as Nourishment
The next juicy in-person event is being co-conspired at this moment. Check back soon, or contact me to get added to the notification list. All events are in the Denver or Boulder area.

Harnessing Sexual Energy as Nourishment
The next juicy in-person event is being co-conspired at this moment. Check back soon, or contact me to get added to the notification list. All events are in the Denver or Boulder area.
You talk about tapping into the body’s “wisdom”. What exactly does that mean?
Let’s say you have a beautiful, burning desire to [become a mother, ask for what you want in bed, quit your job, pole dance, fill in the blank with yours] and no matter how many times you try to take action, you just don’t do it. Or perhaps you don’t even allow this beautiful desire to bubble up to your awareness, but you know something is ‘off’ in your life. Your mind will tell you over and over again the perfectly great reasons why you can’t/won’t/shouldn’t do that thing. Perhaps your life coach left you feeling inspired and motivated yet there’s this sticky little problem which is that it didn’t last. You didn’t do the thing.
Enter the hero – your body. Through tuning into its language (yes, it has its own quite unique language and it speaks to us all of the time), you realize there are blockages to doing this thing. Maybe these blocks arose when you were a kid, maybe as an adult. But you see them clearly now. That’s why you haven’t done the thing! Through tools like breathwork, sounding, movement, and more, you begin to dislodge those blockages. You begin to integrate parts of you that have been lost and then – lo and behold – your whole being is in alignment with doing this thing. The actions that felt slow, difficult, even painful to take now feel joyful, easeful, exciting.
This is what I want to share with you. Whether you walk this road with me as your guide or just stick it in your back pocket knowing it’s there, you have been called – called to see yourself as an intricate beautiful dance of the Soma. (Soma = body, mind, spirit).
Is this ‘somatic experiencing’?
No. While we are working with the “soma” or the body by listening to its signals, its cues, it is not the same as Somatic Experiencing (SE) developed by Peter Levine in the 1970s to treat trauma. I am not a SE therapist or trauma therapist. My clients have already done deep work with trauma-trained practitioners if needed, and have begun the process of moving from surviving into thriving.
What do you mean by ‘sacred sexuality’?
You may hear me call what I do ‘sacred sexuality’ coaching at times and ‘sex, love, and relationship’ coaching other times. They are both true. But what resonates for me deeply is the phrase ‘sacred sexuality’, because that is how I came to be here – seeing that ecstatic sexual experiences are a path to experiencing one’s own divinity and wanting to share that with others. These experiences in turn light up our whole lives because once we see our divinity (the face of god), we are inextricably changed. EVERY aspect of life is different – our relationships, dating life, interactions with our children, depth of friendships, creativity in our work, ability to bring our gifts to the world, and so on.
At first glance it may seem that these two words are antithetical – sacred and sexuality – but once you set aside cultural conditioning and experience it for yourself, you’ll see that two words have never been more right for each other.
Who is this work for?
This work is for any woman who wants to embrace the beautiful-ugly work of understanding her deep yearnings, getting to know the parts of her that are lovable and not so lovable, and are able to approach each session with a “try it on” attitude. Everything is an invitation in our sessions, but those who experience lasting change typically embrace new-ness and are wiling to try something on to see if it fits.
For those with known traumas, they have already done deep work with a trauma-trained practitioner and have moved from surviving into thriving.
Who is this work not for?
This work is not for anyone with untreated trauma, who is ultimately wanting talk therapy, and/or is uncomfortable trying out new things (for example, trying out breathwork, movement, or sounding).
What can I expect in a session?
Every session is unique and never by script. However, a rough sketch of a session is something like this: A grounding or embodiment practice that allows us to co-regulate together or helps you to drop into the session, meeting and working with obstacles or pieces of the body-mind, working with tools like mindfulness, breathwork, movement, sounding, etc to move long-held stagnant energy, reflection and integration time, and real-world steps you can take to further what you’ve learned. Homeplay as I like to call it is often included as well, to bridge the gap between sessions and keep the momentum and transformation going.
How are sessions held?
Sessions are held via Zoom. You will receive a secure Zoom link upon scheduling each appointment as well as reminders leading up the appointment.
Do you guarantee results?
No, I cannot guarantee results. In some ways I wish I could deliver a magic pill to you. In some ways the Tantric philosopher in me knows this wouldn’t be the way anyway. Why can’t I guarantee results? Because the success of this work is largely based on where you are at – traumas or other factors in your environment, how much your nervous system is capable at this time of staying in its window of tolerance, openness to trying new things, and willingness to be open and honest with me. I can promise to always meet you where you are, your nervous system where it is, and to respect all of you.
Do you offer refunds?
While I don’t offer refunds, I do offer clients the chance to ‘try it on’ with an Introductory 3-session package. If we’re not a fit after this time, there’s no obligation to continue working with me. If you purchase a 3-month or 6-month package and something changes for you after the first session, I will return the package cost minus the first session and a small transaction fee that my payment processor charges. If something changes for you mid-way through the package I will not continue to charge you for upcoming months, only the one we’re currently in.
Ultimately I want you to be happy and for this to be a good fit for both of us.